Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Problem with Idols

There are so many things that we can wrap ourselves around and allow them to take priority in our lives over God. One that is the most controlling is the place we place people in our lives. Be it our spouses, children, friends, even our pastors, we can find ourselves putting them on a pedestal and without even realizing it, deeming them our god. Problem is, people fail us. God doesn't...problem solved. I'm sure we've all been there at one time or another in the course of our lives. When we find ourselves there, we find misery. Humans always make terrible gods.

Idolatry can be linked to so many things in our lives.

A quote from Tim Keller: Idolatry is attached to everything. All of our bitterness, all our impurity, al our malice, all of our problems, everything that troubles us is a result of idolatry. And what is idolatry? It's taking a good thing and making it an ultimate thing."

WOW! That last statement tore at my heart! What is my ultimate thing? What is yours?

The Greek word for desire means "to set the heart upon, long for, covet, desire, lust (after)." Well just take that definition and apply it to the things that hold your heart, would ya!

You know what scripture from this lesson made me say "Whoa" out loud?
The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously? James 4:5

He lives right here! Right here inside of me, observing all that I allow to take my devotion from Him, all the time just longing and yearning for me to remember...He's right here.

I liked Kelly's declaration and I think I shall make it my own!

People-gods have lost their power. God is God in my life. He is Sovereign. Comforter. Friend. Guide. Light. He is personal, and nothing fills me more than His Presence and knowing that I am walking open handed in His will. Friendships and family are glorious compliments to my life, which is quite different from them being my life. Quite different indeed!

How bout you?


  1. This study reminds me so much of this phrase (and that I need to repeat it more often) - "People are people; God is God!" ☺
