Monday, September 20, 2010


We all know the devil is the father of all lies. Right? So why is it so easy for us to believe what he whispers in our ear?

We learned this week the three things that attracted Eve to the fruit.
It was good for food.
It was pleasant to the eyes.
It would maker her wise.

This is what satan enticed her with. Lies? Not exactly. Puzzling isn't it.

Michael Wells of Abiding Life says one of the most profound things: "Satan will tell us what's true, but he never tells us the truth."

What has satan been whispering ever so slyly in your ear that is true, but not the truth?!

He is the master deceiver as well. And he intimidates at every turn.

Have you left a door open that he can slither through? It doesn't take a very big crack for him to get through ya know. You have probably heard me say this at some point, my kids know it oh so well: "Whatever's in the well, the bucket's gonna bring it up!"

We were reminded through scriptures this week that not only is the devil referred to as the "father of lies", he also transforms himself into an angel of light (deceiver), a roaring lion (all bark, no bite...cause he has no teeth), and a dragon or serpent!

How do these descriptions play into the lies you have believed?

Yet it is impossible for God to lie!

So listen closely....

Who's voice are you hearing?

Listen very closely...

1 comment:

  1. I was completely compelled by Michael Wells' quote and the examples that were given. I've never thought about it that way - what's true and God's truth. So awesome! I'm reminded how Satan is sneaky but not creative - he uses the same things over and over again: lies, deceit, guilt, etc. We must be sure we are listening to the RIGHT voice! Lord, help us to hear YOUR voice and YOUR truth; help us to discern what's true and what is YOUR TRUTH! Amen! ☺
