Friday, December 3, 2010

Christmas Coffee

Tonight is the SAFirst Christmas Coffee at 6:30 pm in the SFLC. I hope you signed up for it! A bunch of ladies spent all day yesterday decorating the hall and with 12 round tables decorated by their hostesses in a Winter Wonderland & Christmas theme, as well as the whole room and is fabulous! From the time you walk through the outside door, you'll feel all warm and Christmassy (yes that's a word!) inside!

There will be a meal at each table provided by the table hostesses, followed by skits, games, and a devotion.

I just can't wait!

Watch for pictures coming soon!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

God of Gods

Our soul delights in God when we come, listen, and turn, from our idols, and call out to Him.

When we step back from those vices that mean to overtake us. When we sit instead, quietly before the Lord...listening, our soul finds rest, relief, and renewal. Our soul finds joy. For most of us - active or passive, driven or laid back, open or private - sitting quietly before the Lord, listening to Him, and calling on Him does not come naturally. We have to work at it. But the more we do it, the more we find it absolutely essential.

Finding Him in the secret, quiet place, which comes as we meditate on Him and His Word, will bring life to us. As I search Psalm 42 looking for words of life and longing for a deeper intimacy with Him, I find verse 7 begins with Deep calls unto deep. I felt my spirit rise.

God, you are deep, and when I become serious about the depth in You I am willing to go- You are waiting. Your Spirit is calling out to me...COME. And in the night Your song has been singing in my heart, billowing up within me, a song to the God of my life.

Come, Lord Jesus, come
All who are thirsty
And all who are weak
Come to the fountain
Dip your heart in the stream of life
Let the pain and the sorrow
Be washed away
In the waves of His mercy
As deep cries out to deep, we sing
Come, Lord Jesus, come
Holy Spirit, come

What does your soul long for? What are you in need of? He will have mercy on us and will freely pardon us when we return to Him. vv 8-9 says, My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my heaven is higher than earth, so My ways are higher than your ways. And Deeper!

He is truly the God of my life. Why do I ever turn to another?

He is the great I AM!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Problem with Idols

There are so many things that we can wrap ourselves around and allow them to take priority in our lives over God. One that is the most controlling is the place we place people in our lives. Be it our spouses, children, friends, even our pastors, we can find ourselves putting them on a pedestal and without even realizing it, deeming them our god. Problem is, people fail us. God doesn't...problem solved. I'm sure we've all been there at one time or another in the course of our lives. When we find ourselves there, we find misery. Humans always make terrible gods.

Idolatry can be linked to so many things in our lives.

A quote from Tim Keller: Idolatry is attached to everything. All of our bitterness, all our impurity, al our malice, all of our problems, everything that troubles us is a result of idolatry. And what is idolatry? It's taking a good thing and making it an ultimate thing."

WOW! That last statement tore at my heart! What is my ultimate thing? What is yours?

The Greek word for desire means "to set the heart upon, long for, covet, desire, lust (after)." Well just take that definition and apply it to the things that hold your heart, would ya!

You know what scripture from this lesson made me say "Whoa" out loud?
The Spirit who dwells in us yearns jealously? James 4:5

He lives right here! Right here inside of me, observing all that I allow to take my devotion from Him, all the time just longing and yearning for me to remember...He's right here.

I liked Kelly's declaration and I think I shall make it my own!

People-gods have lost their power. God is God in my life. He is Sovereign. Comforter. Friend. Guide. Light. He is personal, and nothing fills me more than His Presence and knowing that I am walking open handed in His will. Friendships and family are glorious compliments to my life, which is quite different from them being my life. Quite different indeed!

How bout you?

Monday, September 20, 2010


We all know the devil is the father of all lies. Right? So why is it so easy for us to believe what he whispers in our ear?

We learned this week the three things that attracted Eve to the fruit.
It was good for food.
It was pleasant to the eyes.
It would maker her wise.

This is what satan enticed her with. Lies? Not exactly. Puzzling isn't it.

Michael Wells of Abiding Life says one of the most profound things: "Satan will tell us what's true, but he never tells us the truth."

What has satan been whispering ever so slyly in your ear that is true, but not the truth?!

He is the master deceiver as well. And he intimidates at every turn.

Have you left a door open that he can slither through? It doesn't take a very big crack for him to get through ya know. You have probably heard me say this at some point, my kids know it oh so well: "Whatever's in the well, the bucket's gonna bring it up!"

We were reminded through scriptures this week that not only is the devil referred to as the "father of lies", he also transforms himself into an angel of light (deceiver), a roaring lion (all bark, no bite...cause he has no teeth), and a dragon or serpent!

How do these descriptions play into the lies you have believed?

Yet it is impossible for God to lie!

So listen closely....

Who's voice are you hearing?

Listen very closely...

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Why Idols?

This was the question of the day: Where did Aaron get the gold to make the calf? Well we all know the children of Israel gladly gave up all their golden earrings, bracelets, and necklaces so Aaron could use them to make them an idol to worship. What I never considered was where they got all that gold. But when you go back to Exodus 12:35-36 you quickly find out. From the Egyptians yes, but it was God who moved upon them to give it to them. That's right, it was a gift from God to His children! The Israelites turned God's gifts into gods! That statement just floored me! Wow, don't we do just that with the gifts He gives us?! Same gold, different function. Think about that a minute.

A. W. Tozer in the Pursuit of God said it this way: "Sin has introduced complications and has made those very gifts of God a potential source of ruin to the soul."

Monday, September 13, 2010

Why Idols?

Have you ever asked yourself, "Am I living my life through my child?" maybe even a career, friend, spouse, or my ministry?

As we take a closer look at Sarah's life, we find her desperately longing for a child. The child God promised her. Her faith had been challenged and she was coming up empty. That's when she decided it was time to help God out. (ever found yourself there?) She gave her maidservant to Abraham, and this is the statement she made: "Perhaps I can build a family through her." Another way to say that is, "Perhaps I can build a life through her." Sarah was looking to an Egyptian slave girl to save her life. She was depending on someone else to define her. What did that get her? A lot of strife that is still going on to this day! God's plan, His way, was so much better. If she had just waited...

How easy it is for us to place those precious things in our life to a status they never should have. We easily make them our functional idols. All because we lose faith in God to make our life stand on it's own, in His timing.

How does Sarah's story encourage you to wait for God's perfect timing and fulfillment in your own life?

Saturday, September 11, 2010


How many of us struggle with our identity at some point during out lives? I know I sure have. Seems I went from being David's girlfriend in school, to Landon, Kylah, & Matthew's mama. Most of the time when I meet people from the past, it's "Hey, you're David Henry's wife," most common is the 'pastor's wife.' There are times, just being honest here, over the years I just wanted to scream out, "I HAVE A NAME!" Seems at times we are always trying to find ourselves, when who God planned for us to be is right in front of us all along. It's those very identities, though precious, we might find ourselves resenting, that God uses to glorify Him the most.

As we looked at the Israelites making their demands for a king, so they could be like the other nations and have an identity, I mused over the statement made in the study of how the Israelites already had an identity, an amazing one at that. They were the chosen people of God! But as they began to forsake God and follow other gods, they lost sight of what they had and, most important, who they were.

Why are we never happy with who we are or the blessings He has given us. We too are chosen. Chosen to carry God's love to a hurting world. Yet it is so easy for us to lose sight of who we are. The more we allow the enemy to rob us of our identity in Christ, the more we become like everyone else instead of being set apart to an extraordinary purpose, a marvelous end. I too would love it said of my life: The goodness of Jesus Christ burned so brightly in her that people glorified God; she almost seemed from another world!

Oh, and don't you know God does care even when we feel like we have melted into the fabrics of our lives. He sends a gentle reminder of how He sees and knows who we are...

At a reunion we attended a few weekends ago, I met up with someone I didn't even remember from school. the thing that made me wink at God when she walked away was the thing she said that made me giggle just a bit:

"I think we went to school together. We graduated together but my class was a year behind you."
"Yes we graduated in '77."
"David and I."
"David who?"
"David Henry."
"Hmmm, I don't guess I remember him, but I remember you."

I have to admit, it did put a smile on my face. Thanks, God, for the reminder. You know my name!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Tonight started the beginning of the first Bible study of the season NO OTHER GODS by Kelly Minter. It will run 8 weeks. We had 20 ladies meet tonight at my house and after a great meal and a ton of conversation and getting acquainted, we settled down in three different small groups to discuss the first week.

I believe this week really challenged us about what we put before God and our devotion to Him. It's not always the obvious. Sometimes it is even the 'good thing'. We can get so involved in even our good deeds, and places and people we minister to on a daily basis and neglect to talk to God, listen for His voice, give Him glory and praise.

Where is your heart's devotion? One of the main points Kelly made was how we can make things, places, careers, ministries, or people our idols. Another term would be false gods, but the one she used that made it so clear to me was "functional gods". In that place that you function everyday, do you find yourself focusing your attention more than any other area of your life? Is it spiritually healthy? Is God a big part of it or have you forgotten to include Him in the process?
Nothing should ever detour our attention away from Him. Not even our ministry.

If you are involved in this study, please take a few moments and comment here and share something that has spoken to your heart from the daily studies. Your insight may just be what someone needs. We would love to hear what the Holy Spirit is revealing to you.

Keep your heart open...
