Saturday, September 11, 2010


How many of us struggle with our identity at some point during out lives? I know I sure have. Seems I went from being David's girlfriend in school, to Landon, Kylah, & Matthew's mama. Most of the time when I meet people from the past, it's "Hey, you're David Henry's wife," most common is the 'pastor's wife.' There are times, just being honest here, over the years I just wanted to scream out, "I HAVE A NAME!" Seems at times we are always trying to find ourselves, when who God planned for us to be is right in front of us all along. It's those very identities, though precious, we might find ourselves resenting, that God uses to glorify Him the most.

As we looked at the Israelites making their demands for a king, so they could be like the other nations and have an identity, I mused over the statement made in the study of how the Israelites already had an identity, an amazing one at that. They were the chosen people of God! But as they began to forsake God and follow other gods, they lost sight of what they had and, most important, who they were.

Why are we never happy with who we are or the blessings He has given us. We too are chosen. Chosen to carry God's love to a hurting world. Yet it is so easy for us to lose sight of who we are. The more we allow the enemy to rob us of our identity in Christ, the more we become like everyone else instead of being set apart to an extraordinary purpose, a marvelous end. I too would love it said of my life: The goodness of Jesus Christ burned so brightly in her that people glorified God; she almost seemed from another world!

Oh, and don't you know God does care even when we feel like we have melted into the fabrics of our lives. He sends a gentle reminder of how He sees and knows who we are...

At a reunion we attended a few weekends ago, I met up with someone I didn't even remember from school. the thing that made me wink at God when she walked away was the thing she said that made me giggle just a bit:

"I think we went to school together. We graduated together but my class was a year behind you."
"Yes we graduated in '77."
"David and I."
"David who?"
"David Henry."
"Hmmm, I don't guess I remember him, but I remember you."

I have to admit, it did put a smile on my face. Thanks, God, for the reminder. You know my name!

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