Friday, December 2, 2011

Little Things

by Sarah Henry, wife of Pastor Landon Henry, SAF associate and ASU Chi Alpha pastor.

A single teal-handled paintbrush in a recycled mason jar does it. So does a beam of the late afternoon sun shining across my otherwise messy living room. When I allow myself to respond to the prompting of the Holy Spirit to “slow down already,” the fog clears from the windows of a hurry-up, try-hard life, and I can see.

I can see that it’s the little things that matter.

It is a day-to-day journey for me to stop and behold the wonder that is my life. I am so easily ensnared in things to do, places to go, people to see that I miss the blessings and miracles that swirl around me, waiting for my head to stop spinning with the urgent go, Go, GO! of my days. They are presents from a creative King who wants to show off His glory. And I’m too busy to enjoy the gift.

My son Grayson fell last week, sprained his ankle, and chipped a bone in his foot. As we were waiting for x-rays in the ER, I watched him happily munching on pretzels, too-long blond bangs bouncing off mile-long lashes, singing, “All God’s children sing out, ‘Glory! Glory! Hallelujah! He Reigns!’” on repeat. He’d been singing the song for days, but that moment in the hospital I was finally still enough to allow the sight of my child singing to the Savior to truly pierce my heart.

I cannot tell you how often my children’s voices play as background music in my life, and I just want to turn down the noise already. I can’t think! I refuse to stop and listen to what they’re saying. Please. Just. Shhh. How often am I missing a Word from the Lord in their words?

The little things will slip by if I let them.

In a testimony to God’s faithfulness, I can say that I have learned to be quicker to respond to the prompting to slow down and look around, and I have faith that I will continue to improve in this area.

I stand to lose way too much if I do not.

“So, my very dear friends, don’t get thrown off course. Every desirable and beneficial gift comes out of heaven. The gifts are rivers of light cascading down from the Father of Light.” James 1:16-17 (MSG)

During this Christmas season, let us remember the little things, slow down and enjoy the gift of life Jesus began that long ago starry night...

SAF First Ladies Crazy Christmas Coffee
Stone Family Life Center
Saturday, December 3, 2011

Tickets $5 (to purchase, email me at

Please bring a wrapped crazy Christmas Coffee cup for the Gift Exchange and a baked item for the Servant's box.

Games, give-a-ways, prizes, skits and a whole lot of fun!

Every year we gather Christmas goodies and deliver them to a community servant to show our appreciation, like a fire station, police station, er, or the base. Help us show our gratitude for their service during this season of giving.