Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy 2011!

It's here! A brand new year!

What is it about a new year? Makes me think of a new clean slate. I've thought about it all day. Talked about it with my husband. Talked about it with God. What will this new year, this clean slate, hold in store for my life. Will I take advantage of the challenge to better myself? To study more, draw closer to the Lord? To lose that weight...again?! To grow to a place I have yet to obtain? To be successful in all those things I planned on doing last year and didn't do?

What does God want me to do this year? What does He have in store for my life, if only I will seek Him and find the treasures and opportunities He has waiting. Will I look for them and see them?

One thing I'm committing to, along with my Bible studies, is reading through the Bible this year. I always have some kind of plan going to do just that, but it just seems enough sometimes to accept the study I'm doing is good enough. Not this year. This year, it's time to just take that simplistic approach and do it again.

I will be using The Daily Bible if you want to join along. I happen to have it on my phone, so anywhere I am, I can open it up and read when I can. But, you can get the actual Bible, or any read through the Bible in a year plan will work just as well.

Will you meet the challenge with me?

Ah, go ahead, it can only be good!

Happy New Year!


1 comment:

  1. I'm up for the challenge, already started....reading through the Bible...using the One year bible plan, have it on my new Sony ez reader I got for Christmas....I too am looking for what he has in store for my life this New Year..What treasures will enfold as the days and months go buy....and I am expecting new growth...want to draw closer and hear His voice say "this is the way walk in it"...It's going to be a great year not only personally but corporately for the ladies at SAF...I'm excited for what he has in store for us!
